Private courses

I offer both single coaching and courses for groups, depending on your focus. Very often the greatest challenge for a non-native English person is overcoming the “fear” of speaking English - and most often, after a fairly short period of time, they realize that it actually is not as difficult and “frightening” as they had first thought.

I am trying to create a relaxed learning atmosphere - and you decide on whether you would rather take a single coaching lesson or if you would rather join a group. My groups usually do not comprise more than 4 people, unless the focus of a group is on conversation itself - then the number of participants may be exceeded. In these courses I put the main emphasis on “talking” - taking into account aspects like pronunciation, active vocabulary, idioms and, of course, grammar.

Here is a brief overview of my service portfolio: I offer courses for/on beginners, every-day-English, Business English (e.g. small talk and conversation, negotiations, e-mail English, telephone English, presentations, meetings etc.). I also offer cover courses on various specialist fields, such as Legal English, politics, economy, tourism etc.

I do want to point out that I consider the learning atmosphere to be of major importance - learning should be as much fun as possible and I am convinced that if we manage to create a positive learning atmosphere, the success in learning the language will be greatest.

Here is a brief overview of my service portfolio:

  • single coaching
  • group courses (up to 4 participants)
  • conversation courses (up to 10 participants)
  • courses with specific requirements, e.g. Business English, English for various specialist fields, English for senior citizens etc.

I would be happy to organize and / or moderate special events around the topic “English”, e.g. setting up an “English Stammtisch”.